We got him! Thus encouraged by our victory, we went on to the rest of the first wing. Lady Deathwhisper was a bit hectic, but we actually did pretty well with it, and she joined Morrowgar on the floor on our first try.

The gunship battle was a blast. Barraccus was on a cannon the whole fight, except when he had to go beat down on the Horde's mage. And I finally got to see the legendary druid-bear rocket pack...

Deathbringer Saurfang was after that. He gave us a hard time, but we got him closer to defeated on each attempt, until finally he was down as well!

At that point it was late and a few people had to go, so we stopped there. It was a fun run, and the PUG healers that came along all did a great job. Barraccus lost the rolls on Morrowgar's sword and a nice helm, but he got a dps chestplate from Saurfang, so I'm happy.
And now I need some sleep. Later!
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