
Shaurria says: mreow?
Aelflaed peers.
Aelflaed says: 'lo Kitters.
You lick Aelflaed.
Aelflaed says: Ye a'right?
Shaurria says: mrew
Shaurria says: yea
Aelflaed peers out at the lake.
Shaurria says: whatcha doin'?
Aelflaed says: Thinkin'.
Aelflaed says: 's... been a longer few days'n I wis planned on.
Aelflaed hugs her knees.
Shaurria says: S'a nice spot here
Aelflaed says: Havers wi' ye? An' Arvoss?
Shaurria says: we're good
Shaurria frowns slightly.
Aelflaed hrm?
Shaurria says: he... he asked me if I wanted t'...
Shaurria says: well, go back
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: Did ye?
Shaurria says: say a proper g'bye, he said
Shaurria says: no
Shaurria scowls.
Shaurria says: don't want to
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: Did ye e'er meet Phileas? Air was he gone 'fore ye started bein' 'round?
Shaurria says: never met him
Aelflaed nods.
Shaurria says: ya told me bout him once, that was it
Aelflaed says: 's a Darrowman.
Aelflaed says: Ye been t' wha's left ay Darrowshire?
Shaurria says: Darrow....
Shaurria says: oh, Darrowshire
Shaurria says: no, but Arvoss did
Shaurria says: little bit after I met him
Shaurria says: he never told me what he did there
Aelflaed says: Back when... well, when things wir good wi' us? He asked me t' take 'im.
Aelflaed says: So he'd get t' see wha' wis left, an' say proper farewell.
Shaurria says: I... -think-... that's what Arvoss did
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: It helped 'im.
Aelflaed says: Lots.
Shaurria says: but he never told me, like i said
Shaurria says: Arvoss seemed happier, when he came back too
Shaurria says: wait
Shaurria says: are ya saying I should go back?
Aelflaed says: No.
Aelflaed says: I've nae gone.
Aelflaed says: I will someday.
Aelflaed says: I dinna ken 'f i c'n face down knowin' my family ended up scourge.
Shaurria shudders.
Shaurria says: least I don' have t' worry bout that
Aelflaed says: 'm jus' sayin' wha' ye dinna ha' to go now. An' ye dinna ha' t' go e'er, really.
Aelflaed says: But dinna shudder off oan principle, yeh?
Shaurria says: okay
Shaurria brightens.
Shaurria says: did I tell ya what Tad and I did?
Aelflaed says: Ye dinnae
Aelflaed looks curious.
Shaurria says: we were bored stiff at the tables one day
Shaurria says: an' this weird-lookin' guy comes and starts talkin' t' Tad
Shaurria says: an' he got chased off 'r something, but before he did he said the Horde had tables too
Shaurria says: sooo, we went an' visited them!
Aelflaed laughs.
Shaurria says: .... Horde guards are mean
Aelflaed says: Did they have anythin' weird?
Shaurria says: same stuff as us
Shaurria says: 'cept the Undercity stuff tasted funny
Shaurria says: we didn't really eat any of that
Shaurria makes a face. Blech
Aelflaed grins.
Aelflaed says: Yeh
Aelflaed says: Dinna ken how long's been 'ere.
Shaurria says: Thunder Bluff had the best, but they spice it different
Aelflaed nods.
Shaurria says: and there was another hunter at each place, think she was followin' us
Shaurria says: she was real nice
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: Folk're usually nice 'round th' feast days.
Shaurria says: was an elf, a... blood elf?
Aelflaed says: Ayeh - wi' th' wee sticky-up ears?
Shaurria says: yea
Shaurria says: she petted me
Aelflaed says: E'er seen a slick ear get all sad an' upset?
Shaurria says: hrm, no
Aelflaed says: Ears go all droopy like
Aelflaed says: 's th' silliest, mos' pathetic lookin' thing.
You laugh.
Aelflaed makes floppy ear motions with her hands.
Shaurria says: don't think anything else happened while you were gone
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: Dinna much happen wi' me either.
Shaurria says: 'cept that one night Tif brought a bomb t' the Pig
Aelflaed says: Jus' stood 'round, bein' ... what?
Aelflaed mrrrrph.
Shaurria frowns and shivers at the same time.
Shaurria says: ... a bomb
Shaurria says: little walking bomb
Shaurria obviously thinks that makes it worse.
Aelflaed snerk.
Aelflaed says: He's fair dense sommat.
Shaurria says: Arvoss told him t' put it away, he didn't
Shaurria says: think Arvoss was gettin' mad
Shaurria says: i dunno, tho, i left
Aelflaed says: Tif's a good sort, jus'... well. Th' only person wha' c'n figure out Tif's brain? 's Tif.
Aelflaed says: ... an' sommat I dinna e'en think that.
Shaurria snorts.
Aelflaed sighs slightly
You peer at Aelflaed searchingly.
Aelflaed says: Jus'... mrrph.
Aelflaed says: I ken's nae sommat ye've much t' think oan, lass, but ... well. Sommat folks're complicated.
Shaurria says: I know
Aelflaed half-smiles.
Aelflaed says: Things wen' frae "bloody wonderful" t' "all hell complicated" wi' Arrens yesterday.
You raise your eyebrow inquisitively at Aelflaed.
Aelflaed says: He's... well
Aelflaed says: Bein' an idiot.
Shaurria says: ..... huh
Aelflaed says: Actin' like he dinna trust me, an' like he dinna believe I c'n take care ay my own if needs be.
Aelflaed says: An' threatenin' my kinfolk.
Shaurria says: kinfolk?
Shaurria says: th' Riders?
Shaurria says: or d'ya got family?
Aelflaed says: Tarquin, specific.
Shaurria says: oh
Aelflaed says: Dinna - Riders air my kin
Shaurria nods
Shaurria sidles.
Aelflaed says: An'... an' I dinna wan' t' be mad at 'im?
Aelflaed says: But I kin'a am.
Aelflaed says: An' I told 'im why an' he dinna understand.
Shaurria frowns.
Aelflaed says: He's a good man? I jus'... well. Now 'm worrit.
Shaurria sighs.
Shaurria says: nothing's simple, is it?
Aelflaed says: No... dinna seem so.
Aelflaed says: Wish it were though.
Shaurria says: S'easier just bein' a cat
Aelflaed laughs.
Aelflaed says: Mayhap so, bu' well... sommat th' complicated turns out wonderful after.
Aelflaed says: 'm... kind ay hopin' f'r tha'.
Shaurria reaches over and pats Aely's shoulder.
Shaurria says: I hope so too
Aelflaed smiles.
Aelflaed says: I am fon' ay 'im.
Aelflaed pinks around the ears slightly.
Shaurria grins.
Aelflaed grins impishly.
Aelflaed says: Ye ken when I firs' met Arvoss, I thought ye an' he w'r muir like 'at.
You blink at Aelflaed.
Shaurria says: like what?
Aelflaed says: Lovers, 'stead ay family.
Aelflaed says: I'd ne'er seen ye in elf form, min'.
Shaurria blinks again, then starts blushing.
Aelflaed says: So I thowt ye w'r older.
Aelflaed smiles warmly.
Aelflaed says: 's hard t' tell wi' cats!
Shaurria snickers.
Shaurria says: s'pose so
Shaurria says: Arvoss.... he takes care o' me
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: He's th' family ye chose, yeh?
Shaurria says: sounds kinda sad, but I never really ate regular til I met him
Shaurria says: um, yea
Aelflaed says: 's like Tarq, an' Bricu an' Threnny, an'... well. An' Jolly.
Shaurria says: first time I saw him, he looked sad
Aelflaed says: Yeh?
Shaurria says: like he, I dunno, lost something
Shaurria says: something important
Aelflaed says: W's he an Ebon Knight, 'en?
Shaurria says: yea
Shaurria says: he drank alot
Shaurria frowns slightly.
Shaurria says: but then he took his trip, ya know, back to his home?
Shaurria says: after that he was better
Shaurria says: he... he told me he used t' be a paladin
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: 's common wi' Ebons.
Aelflaed says: 'cause ... well.
Shaurria says: didn't like t' speak of it much
Aelflaed says: 'cause back when th' Third war started?
Shaurria says: yea?
Aelflaed says: Paladins could'na get th' Plague.
Aelflaed says: Could'na save folk either? Bu' dinna get sick.
Shaurria says: that's what he said once
Aelflaed says: So when they ended up captive? 's often they'd be turned t' Ebons.
Shaurria says: said "Paladins dinnae become death knights"
Shaurria does a fair imitation of Arvoss' accent.
Aelflaed says: I've ken muir an' one, lass.
Aelflaed says: Either way, 's like he /had/ los' sommat.
Aelflaed says: When... when ye swear oan an' take vows t' be a Paladin? Part ay doin' so is... well, is learnin' t' work wi' Light, yeh?
Shaurria says: yea
Aelflaed says: I dinna ken if Arvoss e'en can /feel/ Ligh' anymuir - nae like a Paladin can, like... breathin'.
Aelflaed says: An' if he can?
Shaurria ohs.
Aelflaed says: He cannae use it.
Aelflaed says: 's like..
Aelflaed says: Ye c'n feel the spirits in th' earth, yeh?
Shaurria says: kind of
Aelflaed says: If ye need to, ye c'n call oan 'em, an' they answer?
Shaurria says: yea
Aelflaed says: How'd ye feel if one morn, ye woke an' they jus'... were'na there.
Shaurria says: ......
Shaurria is lost in thought.
Shaurria says: like I couldn't turn kitty anymore?
Aelflaed says: Yeh.
Shaurria says: golly, I dunno what I'd do
Aelflaed nods.
Aelflaed says: 's like t' be why he w's feelin' lost.
Aelflaed says: An'... well, an' likely 'is family an' 'is King an' Kingdom w's eyther dead air shamblin' bout lookin' f'r brains t' nom.
Shaurria says: i think i get it now
Shaurria says: his family?
Shaurria frowns, thinking.
Aelflaed says: He'd prob'ly had one, yeh.
Shaurria says: he did say his wife died, but that was before
Shaurria says: he told me once he had a son, but doesn't know where he is
Aelflaed nods.
Shaurria says: might be alive tho
Aelflaed says: 's anither reason f'r feelin lost.
Shaurria says: guess he mighta needed me more'n I needed him
Aelflaed smiles.
Aelflaed says: Often works like'at.
Aelflaed says: Ye needed 'im - an' in doin' so? Ye gave 'im sommat t' be needed for.
Shaurria hugs her knees, looking a little overwhelmed.
Aelflaed gently patrubs Shaur's shoulders.
Shaurria rubs her head on Aelflaed.
And that's when Shaur left. It's almost scary how Aely seemed to know Arvoss; she hit it dead on describing all that stuff to Shaur. And now Shaur has a whole new outlook on her relationship with Arvoss. *warm fuzzies*
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