I rerolled Andrano again, poor guy. Why? Because I've wanted one of these ever since I discovered the one in Darnassuss:

Booggah has been extra busy. Not only does he have a fuller stable, he also got a new mount!

Boo has 3 additions to play with, plus a couple more he hasn't found yet. First off is his silithid- I tamed one of these briefly before but never got attached to it. Now, however, I love it. The web ability also is great for runners in instances. Skitterbug was the first newbie to get to 80, too.

I've made a few passes through Sholazar looking for Loque, but no luck so far. I'm not pushing it, however. If I find him, then I find him. I'm also toying with the idea of camping a few other rares with him, notably Araga and Old Cliff Jumper. We'll see.
I wasn't going to get any new pets on Lark, but then I started thinking about the pets I've wanted to try out but never did. So eventually I talked myself into making a few trips with her.
The Scarlet Tracking Hound will be changed to the mastiff model in Cata. I have no idea if Shalka here will also change now that he's tamed, but if he does then I'll just retame him. And Lark will have a bonus dog that she didn't have to go get! (sort of.) He hasn't been leveled yet for lack of motivation, but I'll get around to it soon.

Both of Lark's new pets are OOC; poor Lark is struggling to make sure her current 3 all get the attention they deserve, if I threw any more into the mix she'd probably disown me. >.>
Final note- not all the new additions have been pets. Rillian's Borean ear-farming and Steam Vault-running have finally come to an end. And he'll finally be able to show off his "girl" to anyone he cares to. Shar'adore- "Brightwing" in Darnassian- is finally official.

So, that's about it for them. I've been doing other stuff naturally- Shaur is 77 now and Rill is nearly 76- but it's late and I need sleep. I also need to kick this writer's block, I haven't had one in so long that I'm going a little crazy at the moment. Hopefully I'll be done with my current story soon, it's long overdue now.
Til next time Happy Hunting!
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