Rawr! Felt good to get him down, too, no matter how many times we've killed him in the Raid Finder. And Lark has yet another shiny title to boot.
It was still fairly early, so we decided to go knock out Baradin Hold while we still had it. Rheugan got to come along on that, since there's nothing there I want for Lark or Pitch, but no druidy stuff dropped. Then we decided to go poke at Rags. >.>
We'd never gotten him down before Dragon Soul was released, so it felt a bit like unfinished business. So, since we were (much) better geared and had a nice warm-up, we went to tackle the Firelands once again.
The other bosses were almost ridiculously easy, even with several raid members switching to alts. Once we reached Rag, everyone got back on their mains, and we started in on him. Took us a few tries, just because it had been so long we all needed a refresher on what to do, but we quickly got back in our normal groove, and...

So now we've officially cleared all of Cataclysm! Woot!
On top of that, I got Pitch the ilvl for the raid finder, so he got to participate in an In-Character run last week. So that's 3 toons that have killed Deathwing, and Rheugan's only 2 points off from joining them.

* * * *
Other than raiding stuff, I haven't been up to much lately. Still afflicted by the Tired As Heck bug, and daylight savings just starting has NOT helped. I'm starting to wonder if I should just buck up and go see a doctor... ugh.
I have still been playing Roebar quite a bit. He's up to 43 now, with a new, speedier horsie. And yes, I know his brown one would be fast too, I just like the black one better.

He's also got company now. I felt like starting a leather-worker, but didn't want to change Roe's professions, since he's my gold-maker on Arthas. So....

That is Disappear. She has a bit of history herself- I actually rolled her on another server ages ago (before I even had a blog!) but had Stuff happen and wound up deleting her and leaving the server. I've suddenly been missing her lately, and this was the perfect excuse to go ahead and recreate her.
They both started out in a level 25 guild, but a few friends decided to start their own guild, so Dis and Roebar went with them. Best guild name ever, IMO.

Unfortunately, no one else liked the name, so it's going to be changed to something stupid. But I have that pic at least. Also secretly hoping Blizzard won't allow the name-change, for whatever reason. *fingers crossed*
Dis has been questing for the dwarves so she can get a ram, and while she was out in Loch Modan I came across a certain somebody.

Arthas is a PVP server, so I had to debate with myself for a bit first. But it didn't take much debating before I switched over to my troll hunter Narzabeki, and trekked her across the unfriendly Alliance lands to catch herself a fox. It was actually a pretty uneventful trip- hurray for most low-level zones being deserted! She got a bonus wasp, too, as Nix was out. I was tempted to look for Lord Condar too, but she only has 2 pet slots open right now, and the stable master was pretty far away. >.>
That about sums up what I've been up to lately. I kept meaning to scratch together a blog post before now, but the Blahs are not conducive to blog posts. There's been RP stuff as well, but the Blahs have also kicked up my writer's block, so yea. I will try to put something together for Rheugan, who's had so much stuff going on that it's beginning to make my head spin, so stay tuned for that.
And that's about it for now. Til next time, Happy Hunting!
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