Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And then this happened

(Last night's RP.)

Tarquin is nursing his cigarette, leaning back relaxedly.

Tarquin: Master Jameston. How're yeh?

Rheugan: Well enough

Tarquin: Pitch suggested yeh maun want an' talk ta me.

Rheugan: I had expected as much

Tarquin: Aye.

Tarquin: So what d'yeh want ta talk about?

Rheugan: Bricu suggested there might be a spot for me in the Riders. I just asked him, and he said it was still open

Tarquin: Right yeh are, lad.

Rheugan eyes Tarquin, a bit hesitantly.

Tarquin scratches at his chin.

Tarquin: Yet, I canna help but notice, wey yeh say that - it's still oan account some punter else suggested it.

Tarquin: The wey Pitch asked me.

Tarquin: The wey...well, look, mate.

Tarquin plucks the cigarette from his mouth and rests his fingers on the tabletop, letting it smolder.

Tarquin: This outfit, we started it up oan account we wanted ta make our ain wey.

Tarquin: Yeh heard how we say it. Nae crowns, nae flags, nae causes an' all that.

Tarquin: Things come an' go, but what remains is, wir doin' this ta...what's the phrase?

Tarquin leans back, closing his eyes briefly.

Tarquin: Wir seizin' what the world withholds.

Tarquin: An' Master Jameston, welll...ambition's no' a requirement fir the gig.

Rheugan drops his eyes to the tabletop and nods.

Tarquin: But it ha' got a certain relation.

Tarquin: So what I am wond'rin' is, why d'yeh want ta wear the colors?

Tarquin: Besides jus' other folks sayin' yeh ought ta?

Rheugan looks back at Tarq.

Rheugan: Because, honestly, I have no other options

Tarquin tilts his head.

Tarquin: How's that, mate?

Tarquin picks his cigarette back up and trims a little ash off the side with his thumbnail.

Tarquin: Thinkin' about it, mate?

Rheugan frowns at the tabletop and nods.

Tarquin: Well. Put it this wey, then.

Tarquin: First - what wid yeh be doin' if yeh'd never come up the Pig, or met the Black an' Red?

Rheugan glances at Tarq, then looks away again.

Rheugan: I would... probably be dead

Tarquin lifts both his eyebrows.

Tarquin: Really now.

Tarquin: Fra' what?

 Rheugan: I-.. well, the cat- attacked a frostsaber in Darnassas, shortly after we'd left Gilneas after the fighting. When a Sentinel tried to intervene, he turned on her as well

Rheugan: The saber was killed, the Sentinel was wounded badly. They shut me away while they tried to.. decide what to do with me

Tarquin takes a slow, silent drag on his cigarette, his eyes glinting slightly.

Rheugan glances briefly at Tarquin.

Rheugan: That was how Pitch became my mentor. If he hadn't... they likely would have killed me

Tarquin: The Kaldorei dinna care much fir liabilities, 'tis true.

Tarquin: So Pitch's been sortin' yeh out wi' that, an' that is a fine thing.

Tarquin: But Rheugan, me lad - yeh seen what we do.

Tarquin: Up close, even.

Tarquin: Oan the balance, we are closer ta the cat than the Sentinel.

Rheugan: Do you think I haven't realized that?

Rheugan quirks an eyebrow.

Tarquin grins faintly at that.

Tarquin: I think yeh expressed a certain, uh, discomfort.

Tarquin: An' the wey we do things has no' much changed.

Rheugan: No, but I have, whether I wanted to or not

Tarquin nods thoughtfully.

Tarquin: Meanin' yeh can work.

Rheugan nods.

Tarquin: Awright.

Tarquin leans back.

Tarquin: Awright. An' is there anythin' mair yeh want outay it, Jameston?

Tarquin: Asides a chance ta stick by yir mentor?

Tarquin: An' fill yir hours?

Rheugan gives Tarquin a rather sardonic look.

Rheugan: You think that's why I wanted a job?

Tarquin: I dinna ken at all why yeh wanted a job, mate.

Tarquin: All I heard is other people askin' oan yir behalf. An' I am glad yeh come ta me yirself.

Rheugan: I want it because... it's either this, or I keep drifting like I have been

Rheugan: And I'm tired of it

Tarquin pulls the cigarette out of his mouth again and leans forward.

Tarquin: Yeh want purpose.

Rheugan nods.

Tarquin: Well, mate.

Tarquin: All we got is watchin' each other's backs while we grab the world by the bollocks an' squeeze.

Tarquin: If that's eno' purpose fir yeh, that's guid eno' for me.

Rheugan nods again.

Tarquin: Well, then.

Tarquin: Moan oan downstairs, me lad.

Tarquin claps Rheugan on the shoulder.

Tarquin: Yeh drink mead?

Rheugan: Ah, yes

Tarquin: Barry.

Threnn eyes Tarquin up and down.

Tarquin says: Oi! Black an' red.

Tarquin says: Come 'round.

Bricu says: Oi.

Illithias says: Hnhhh.

Lorelli says: Hrm?

Tarquin stretches over the bar and retrieves a dusty bottle.

Pitchblàck raises his eyebrow inquisitively at Rheugan.

Elohn weaves his way over.

Lorelli says: Ah, lovely.

Tarquin says: Bric, make yirself some tea or something'.

Bricu says: Aye.

Elohn blinks at Rheugan.

Tarquin says: Had a wee chat wi' Jameston here.

Elohn says: ...I'd always assumed he was an elf.

Rheugan leans back on the bar, half-trying to blend in.

Illithias snorts.

Tarquin says: Aye, turns out, there's a lot ta the lad we dinna ken.

Tarquin says: But we shall learn it.

Pitchblàck snerks.

Tarquin says: As he, in turn, shall learn how we do things.

Bricu says: Seltzer, with lemon.

Lorelli looks at Tarquin a bit wary.

Tarquin looks around, fingers curled around his own glass.

Tarquin says: A bit sideweys.

Tarquin says: A bit underhanded.

Tarquin says: An' together, as brothers an' sisters ought ta do.

Tarquin says: Us, yeh bastards.

Tarquin lifts his glass.

Elohn lifts his own.

Bricu lifts his glass.

Tarquin says: Wir one larger.

Illithias raises her mug.

Threnn raises her glass.

Tarquin says: Welcome ta the black an' red, yeh puir sap.

Tarquin raises a drink to Rheugan. Cheers!

Elohn salutes you with respect.

Rheugan grins ruefully, then downs his mead.

Bricu nods at Rheugan.

Tarquin claps Rheugan on the shoulder.

Pitchblàck raises a drink to Rheugan. Cheers!

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