Been spending a LOT of time in LOTRO, though more crafting-stuff than questing and picture-taking. Even so, Basten is now 41!

Trollshaws, where Basten's doing most of his questing now. He did a bit in the Misty Mountains, too, but I forgot to take screenies.

Out on a walk with Frodo.

This guy is a low-level mob in the Shire, where I was finishing some of Basten's deeds. He's actually pretty handsome...a nice change from most of Turbine's wargs, which look something like a cross between a rat and a pig.
If I haven't been on LOTRO, I've been on either Davoss or Roebar in WoW. Dav's coming along quickly, and I've been making sure his blacksmithing is keeping up as well- mostly by having Pitch go mining for him. This here was a brief distraction while mining in Deepholm...

Speaking of Pitch, he has another milestone down.

He's getting his Pengu soon, as well as his last pet from the Argent tourney- those will bring him up to 128. Still got a ways to 150, but he's getting there.
Going back to Dav's mining... I had Pitch out mining cobalt/saronite a few days ago, and he happened across a certain glowbear...

That's our buddy's hunter, shortly before he faction-changed her to Alliance. He'd actually gotten Gondria just a few minutes before this, after Pitch ran across her too. XD
Lark's raid is still going well.

This is after our first time beating Spine of Deathwing, which I think we have down. Madness is still giving us trouble, but we got to the second "phase" last time, so it's looking good.
And finally, Roebar.

It was a definite relief to get his horse. Now his poor paws can get a rest.

Watch out for falling cats....

I just liked how this one came out.
He did get his first ganking by a high-level Hordie in Desolace. An undead mage found him questing and followed around for a bit, emoting. He finally got me up against a cliff, where he proceeded to start dancing... then he 2-shot poor Roebar and ran off. It kinda spoiled me for questing for a bit, but he'll be back out there again soon... and if I don't want any hassle, there's always dungeons.
RP has been scarcish lately, mostly because I haven't had the energy. The Riders did have a little thing going on, which can be found here, and was a lot of fun. In-game stuff... not so much, though I am hoping to get rolling on a bit of Rheugan-RP in the near future.
And a final note- this screenie is pretty funny... because the NPC here has the same name as one of the Riders! She's in Rivendell, which is likely why I've never noticed her before now.

That's all I can think of for now, although I've probably forgotten something. I will try to post more regularly again, though that mostly depends on my energy level, which has been low lately despite having a week off work.
Leaving with one more final pic, this time of our newest family member!

Isn't she cute? :D